Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Poor baby :(

It started Friday night, landed me in the ER Saturday night and today (Tuesday) is the first day I am starting to feel "normal" again.... With temps of 104 and not eating for 3 days, it's about time!!!  Adenovirus SUCKS. So does having an ear infection ontop of that.  

I had about 3 licks.  That's the most I ate in days...

At ER.  :(

My very own kitchen!!!

For my mommy's birthday she asked daddy, Bumpa & Grandma DeeDee for a kitchen for me!!!  And they got it for me, um, I mean mommy!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

My eye

Ever since I was about 6 months old, my right eye waters a lot and just recently the doctor suggested we see an eye doc.  So we did.  My tear duct didn't open all the way and now, I have to get a minor surgery to correct that to prevent infections and bigger issues in the future.  It does require anesthesia but is only a 20 minute procedure.  It will happen on March 14th. Gulp.

In the waiting room... the calm before the storm!


Whatever it takes to keep me happy at the grocery store!  This particular day it was a smoothie, a banana and a fig newton :)

"Rock, rock."

Just rocking out on my horse!


Just a quick smooch with my buddy, Elouise!  We rocked it until 10pm, so our mom's and dad's could party!  :)

Bed Head

Daddy send mommy a picture of me minutes after I woke up.... 

...bed head, morning breath and eye crusts, but still ADORABLE!!!

Mommy & me

Swim lessons

We started swim lessons back up, last night. Last time we did this, daddy broke his neck while snowboarding and we had to cancel the rest of our lessons :(  Well, we are back at it, and this time around Finley loves it (mostly)!  Everything except for floating on her back (which none of the kids seemed to like)  She splashed and laughed and generally had a great time!  It was super duper fun. Up until she puked in the locker room after! I think she drank too much chlorine! :)

Monday, February 18, 2013

My birthday :)

My birthday(s) have been amazing!  A surprise party yesterday from my lovely hubby and my family.  Complete with all of my great friends, delicious food and thoughtful gifts!  Today (my actual birthday) started with me getting to lay in bed the longest, playtime with Finley, a trip to the park with my 2 most favorite people and an Indian dinner tonight! 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Auntie Di made up matching hats!!!!


The amount of kissing, hugging & cuddling these to is pretty awesome... but pretty wet with baby & doggy drool too!  Yuck!  :)


Finley thinks it's hilarious to stand up on all of her chairs in the house... when we take the chair away, it is not so hilarious. 

Close up!