Thursday, January 27, 2011

Breaking the news to our parents!!!

We decided to tell our parents in a snazzy way!  We wrapped these in Christmas paper and gave them as gifts!  The reactions were amazing, to say the least!  Lots of tears and smiles, some "it's about times" (Johnny B) and even a few exciting cuss words (courtesy of my dad)!

(I know the date on the onsies does not match our actual due date.  I may have told the nurse at my 1st appt. the wrong "1st day of my last period"...typical.) 


  1. What a day! Lee picked Brent and I up at the Denver Airport. “Of course” Lee was his calm self, never giving any signs of the upcoming news they were going to share with us. I never expected that we would be hearing a surprise announcement of a lifetime!! We arrived at their house, giving all the normal hugs to all the family (Axl and Deez too). About five minutes later Nora gave me a box (for both of us), wrapped in Christmas paper. I remember telling her "It's to early for presents!”. They just kept saying things like" it's just a little something, just open it" .In my mind I am thinking: I know Nora loves the holiday season and great now I have to run out tomorrow and get a gift to give back! I slowly unwrapped the box, seeing a tag "Gerber", I immediately was in tears of joy. It was decorated as cute as you can see from the picture, but I remember after seeing that Gerber tag and knew instantly! The tears and hugs were shared around the room. I wish we could have taped it as it happened so quick and unexpected. Little did we know that it would be one of the most special surprise gifts we ever have received!

  2. Hollywood calling, can we make a movie of the week deal??????

    So cool.
