Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 16, 2011...

We had another appointment today!  We got to hear the heartbeat again!  It was in the 140's, and sounding great!!!  Everything also measured good and our doctor was really happy with everything!  We also made our appointment to find out if our babe has a wiener or a va-jay-jay!  March 16th!  Whoooohoooooo!  Supposedly, I may start to feel movement in these next few weeks!  Whoa!!!!  Crazy!

I am in that "awkward fat-girl" stage and I am excited to start looking "pregnant-fat"... It is definitely an awkward stage.  Things are fitting differently but I don't have that cute prego look, yet...

Lee and I are just so happy that our baby is sounding and looking good thus far!!!!!  We are super duper excited!!!

1 comment:

  1. So exciting!!! All of a sudden you're belly's gonna pop...not long now!
