Friday, April 1, 2011

Dear baby girl,

I am sooooo sorry.  I sold the VW Bug last night.  I remember being upset with your grandma & grandpa when I saw pictures of their VW Thing and realized they had sold it and didn't save it for me!  Well, I just did that same thing.  I really didn't want to, as it was a surprise birthday gift from your daddy 10 years ago!  But we knew someone else could take better care of her (Stella Blue).  Someone with a garage!  A driveway even!  (We have neither at our house right now, just street parking!)  I PROMISE to buy you nice things with the money I made and I also promise to hold your daddy to his promise of getting us a VW Bus one day to go camping in with your huge puppy Axl!  I love you so much already and I hope you will forgive me!  :)

(your grandma Kaczmarek, said you may not even like VWs, but prefer some expensive, fancy car!  and then she laughed!  silly grandma!  must of been an April Fools joke!!!)


Your mommy

1 comment:

  1. Little Girl..I was only telling your Mommy that you probably wanted a BMW instead so she didn't feel so bad. A VW bus/camper will be so awesome for you....Can't wait until you are born :>)
