Thursday, August 16, 2012

Daycare UPDATE...

Daddy dropped Finley off at school around 8:15.  The story goes that he put Finley on the ground, where she sat and stared.  Lots of the other kiddos came over to check her out!  Daddy left, no tears.  I called a bit later to check on her and got a great report.  She had eaten breakfast really well and she was as happy as can be.  I picked her up at 11:30, during the end of lunchtime.  I peeked in the room and saw Finley sitting at a miniature table in a miniature chair with her miniature friends!  She was holding some sandwich in one hand and a spoon in the other!  It was sooooooo cute!  I went in, got a huge smile and sat with her while she finished.  Lord knows, I can't take food away from that girl!  They said she did great all morning.  Played outside, had circle time and ate well!  I couldn't ask for more.  We'll see how tomorrow goes!  It will be for the second half of the day!  Taking a nap on a mat on the floor!  ha!  We'll see...

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