Monday, March 26, 2012


I feel as though I need to write down a few updates.  I'm always posting pictures as Finley is such a camera bug!  :)


She LOVES eating!  It seems like anything and everything we give here she likes!  She hasn't gotten the cherrios or puffs from her own hand to her mouth yet, but if we give it to her by spoon or put in her mouth, she eats it!  Some of her faves seem to be; avocadoes, all fruits, sweet potatoes, yogurt and prunes!  Definitley prunes!  :)

UPDATE:  She LOVES canned green beans.   She holds the whole bean and sucks the living daylights out of it! ha!


Hmmmmm.  Well, she sleeps.  Does she usually take short naps?  Yes.  Does she usually wake up during the night?  Yes.  Do I love her no matter what?  YES!!!!!!!!! 


Finley definitely does her own thing on her own schedule!   She has gotten awesome at sitting, and she doesn't mind being on her stomach anymore (although she prefers her back and rolls over), she can put all her weight on her legs when we help her stand and can stand for a while on her own when we lean her up on the couch or coffee table.  Crawling... doesn't even seem interested.  Pulling herself up... no signs of that happening anytime soon! 


Happy, cheerful, excited, talking and making crazy noises ALL THE TIME!  Waves (not on demand), giggles, snuggles, smiles... smiles constantly! Interested in every noise of any kind.  So curious!!! She is such a happy, happy baby!  We are so blessed!  She is a joyful, happy babe almost every minute of every day!!!

Favorite things to do~

Bother Deez (the cat), be outside, stroller rides, putting things in her mouth (food and toys... and her socks, and anything she can reach!!!) watching Axl, being with people!  Such a social butterfly!

Finley is such an amazing baby and I thank God every second of every day that she is here!  I have never loved anything so much and I feel like I am going to burst with love all the time!  She is such a joy and a blessing and I continue to be amazed every day!

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