Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Disappointing bedtime UPDATE

I spoke to soon :(((  Bedtime last night was one of the most miserable events of my bedtimes with Finn.  It saddens me to even type it (maybe because I'm so overtired and pregnant) but last night tested my patience to the core.  She went down late (waiting for daddy) at 9:30, and only slept for an hour.  1 hour.  She woke up around 10:30 and was up until 4am.  No joke.  I tried everything I could think of (which probably made things worse), but in the end she was unwilling and seemed unable to calm down and go to sleep.  She ended up in bed with me at 2:30 and still took another hour and a half to calm down and pass out.  I was angry, I was sad, I was frustrated, I was emotional in so many ways I can not explain.  Nap time today was no better... but this time I decided to let her scream (no checkins, no nothing).  She screamed at the door for almost an hour and eventually passed out on the ground.  Only 30 minutes later, she was up.  This little peanut only had 3 hours of sleep last night and 30 minutes today.  I pray that tonight is easier, but I have anxiety it will not be :(

On top of this, I had pretty bad cramping today and after talking with my doctor she told me I needed to  drink lots of fluids, lay on my left side for an hour and then sit in the bath.  She said my uterus was reacting to the emotional stress , lack of sleep and dehydration and I needed to get that to stop.  So thank goodness for my mama who came over and listened to Finn scream with me for awhile, laid in bed with me and talked and then took Finley to her house for some fun time with her and Bumpa. I am having much less severe cramping now but am still so physically & emotionally drained and tired.  

Happy New Years Eve :(

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